Pontefract Weighing Room Celebrated with Design Award
Pontefract Civic Trust has awarded one of its Annual Design Awards to Pontefract Racecourse for the improvements carried out to its Weighing Room Complex last winter.
The construction of the new Weighing Room was a significant project undertaken by the racecourse and completed on-time to a tight deadline, with work commencing following the final race meeting of 2023 and being operational by the first race meeting of 2024.
The previous Weighing Room in the Main Stand had to be completely stripped out and renovated in line with new requirements established by the British Horseracing Authority (BHA). These requirements set minimum standards for all British racecourses to ensure facilities remain appropriate for elite athletes.
The specification for the new Weighing Room was agreed by the BHA’s Weighing Room Facilities Working Party which included representatives of all personnel who work in the area, including jockeys.
R H Fullwood & Co Ltd of South Elmsall were the main contractors, with the work overseen by Guy Fullwood. The design was by Katie Craggs of Craggs Architects who are based just outside Richmond, North Yorkshire.
Paul Cartwright, chair of Pontefract Civic Society said ” The title “Improvement Award” doesn’t really describe the sheer scale of this project in reordering a myriad of at least nine separate rooms and spaces on the ground floor of the Main Stand. We felt that the improvements had been carried out to the highest quality with the best materials and workmanship possible. Some confined areas were opened up. Wherever dedicated areas had to remain, use was maximised, whether official workspaces, or relaxation and social spaces for the jockeys and valets. These facilities are a credit to the whole team and will surely continue to enhance Pontefract’s reputation.”
Dale Gibson (Director of Racing for the PJA) said “On behalf of the PJA and our members, we are delighted that Pontefract have received recognition for delivering their comprehensive weighing room upgrade. We worked closely with Norman Gundill and his team throughout the process who were highly professional throughout each phase. Our members now have a modern area providing equal services and facilities for male and female Jockeys, whilst creating a highly commended working environment. We urgently encourage all venues, some of whom have recently extended their timeline to deliver upgrades in a far speedier manner”.
When the new facility was first used on 2nd April last year Jockey Connor Beasley said of the scheme “They’ve done a tremendous job. Everybody is happy with it”.
On receiving the Award, Pontefract Director Norman Gundill said “This is a testament to the excellent work done by our Architect Katie Craggs and R H Fullwood & Co who carried out the work on time, within budget, and to an excellent standard. Activity in the Weighing Room area can be frantic at times. The new facilities are almost unrecognisable from what we had before and now provide a much better environment for everyone to work in. We are committed to providing the best facilities we can for everyone who comes to Pontefract Racecourse”.